D-Drive 25amp ESC Downloads & Info (ESCape32)

Introducing the newest 32bit opensource technology with ESCape32! We're putting 32bit technology in the palm of your hand, with multi-platform access. Whether you're at your desktop, laptop, tablet, or cell phone using the ESCape32 Wifi-Link! Cross-platform compatibility is a snap, with no special downloads required, everything you need is accessed thru the Wifi-Link.
Simply connect thru Wifi, and experience even more tuning parameters than other popular 32bit firmware in the palm of your hand. We've added even more tuning parameters to ESCape32 that will provide more precise motor control and resolution. Featuring "bare-metal" based programming, most folks reporting a much more "connected" feel than they've experienced before! All while adding easier access to tuning then the competition!  Including custom programmable startup tones that allow you to play your favorite tune, or write your own, by using the native ESCape32 music format. Or by simply uploading your favorite RTTTL ring tone file, that is converted to the native music format.

• Cross-platform Wifi access on all devices
• Simple "Plug n' Play" access thru Wifi-Link
• Custom programmable startup tones
• Future-proof Wifi-Link programmer (sold separately)
• "Duty_Lock" feature for extreme holding power for crawlers

• Sensorless & Sensored (coming soon) brushless & brushed modes
• Advanced brushed mode settings
• Sinusoidal brushless mode for slow speed crawler control
• Programmable Low-Voltage Cutoff & Drag Brake
• Current limiter, telemetry, & frequency tuning
• LED blink for signaling neutral, throttle, & protection, or solid color choice
• Light OR Dark mode in Wifi-Link 
Base settings for D-Drive Micro Pro 25amp ESC

Base settings for D-Drive Pro 50amp ESC


(Updated 01/20/25)
Current ESCape32 Firmware Revision 12.6 for our D-Drive ESC's.

D-Drive Micro Pro 25amp ESC
(Please double check your current firmware name)
ESCAPE2 Rev. 12.6
ESCAPE3 Rev. 12.6

D-Drive V2 Pro 60amp ESC
ESCAPE4 Rev. 13

(Discontinued below, but still supported)
D-Drive Pro 50amp ESC
ESCAPE1 Rev. 12.6

D-Drive Micro Sport 25amp ESC
AIRBOT2 Rev. 12.6

D-Drive Sport Mini 45amp ESC
AIRBOT1 Rev. 12.6

Please Contact Us for directions on updating your Dinky R/C Wifi-Link
No features will be missing if you've updated your ESC's firmware, they may just look different in your Wifi-Link.


For all information about ESCape32, 
please go to escape32.org

(Added Notes are marked with *, and represent our interpretation of the settings when applied to rock crawlers & ground-based R/C Vehicles.)

arm: 1
Wait for 250ms zero throttle on startup:

0: off
1: on
* Communicates with your rx to ensure connection is made before allowing initialization of esc. You'll want this "on" to avoid runaways.

damp: 1
Damped mode (complementary PWM, active freewheeling):

0: off
1: on
* Setting this "On" will actively brake when letting of throttle. "Off" will allow motor to freewheel, and cancels sine mode

revdir: 0
Reversed motor direction:

0: off
1: on

brushed: 0
Brushed mode:

0: off
1: on
In this mode, the ESC can be used with brushed motors connected to phases A and B (or C and B). The following settings have no effect: timing, sine_range, sine_power, freq_max, duty_spup, prot_stall.
* You MUST cycle the ESC after changing from either brushed or brushless mode, in order for setting to take effect. Not doing so may damage your motor/esc or cause disfunction.

timing: 16
Motor timing (15˚/16) [1..31].
* "16" represents 15 degrees of advance timing, and is standard for most ground-based vehicles. Slightly advancing higher KV motors can help smooth out the transition from sine to trap mode in some cases.

sine_range: 0
Sine startup range (%) [0 - off, 5..25]. This value sets the portion of throttle range dedicated to sine startup mode (crawler mode). Damped mode must be enabled (the default) before sine startup mode can be activated.
* Most often set to 25, so that you have the largest range of trigger movement for more precise control while in sine mode. (Exceptionally low KV motors may not need the full 25%, due to their lower trap mode startup RPM being more easily reached during transition from the highest sine mode RPM to the lowest trap mode RPM. Results may vary, and are also dependent on the exponential settings on your transmitter as well.)

sine_power: 8
Sine startup power (%) [1..15]. Use caution because higher values may lead to overheating.
* Adjust this setting down until cogging starts under a load, then come back up one digit at a time until cogging stops. This setting ONLY adjust the super slow "sine mode" power, and does not effect trap mode or "normal" operation. Higher settings will cause increased battery usage and heat, use wisely. Lower KV's will use lower numbers here, base setting for us is 11 on 10th & 24th scale and works for most applications. It can usually be reduced with lower gearing in some cases.

freq_min: 24
Minimum PWM frequency (kHz) [16..48].

freq_max: 48
Maximum PWM frequency (kHz) [16..96]. Smooth transition from minimum to maximum PWM frequency happens across [30..60] kERPM range.

duty_min: 1
Minimum duty cycle (%) [1..100]. This value sets power level at minimum throttle.
* This can be especially useful with brushed motors to give more power at startup. Recommended 1-5% depending on 2s or 3s battery.

duty_max: 100
Maximum duty cycle (%) [1..100]. This value sets power level at maximum throttle.
* Comparative to end point adjustment "EPA" on your transmitter, use this to control the top speed of your throttle/motor.

duty_spup: 10
Maximum duty cycle during spin-up (%) [1..50]. Higher values give more power to the motor until the first sync'ed revolution, yet may increase the risk of overheating should the motor get jammed during a full throttle punch. Do not exceed the default value unless you know what you are doing.
* This setting should be balanced with prot_stall & duty_min, as this affects the amount of current given during startup into trap mode. Too much can have adverse effects on transition from sine to trap, causing it to kick into trap mode and suffer poor transition characteristics.

duty_ramp: 0
Maximum duty cycle ramp (kERPM) [0..100]. This value enables maximum power limiting between duty_spup and 100% based on RPM. It is most useful for taming a throttle punch at lower RPM.
* Use the duty_ramp setting to "soften" the on-set of power during the first commutation of your motor, and works to help smooth the transition from sine to trap mode. This can be compared to throttle curve or exponential when related to the first rotation of the motor. We tend to use between 15 & 30% for 10th and 24th Scale respectively. The higher values for micro crawlers, lower for 10th scale.

duty_rate: 25
Acceleration slew rate (0.1%/ms) [1..100]. This value controls the speed of power increase during acceleration. Should the motor stutter on a full throttle punch, try decreasing this value. Alternatively, you can try increasing timing albeit at the cost of efficiency and torque.

duty_drag: 0
Drag brake amount when the motor is stopped (%) [0..100]. This value is also a starting brake amount in proportional brake mode (RC car mode).
* This setting adjust the amount of drag brake applied when reducing throttle, but before braking, slowing the vehicle by not allowing it to freewheel or coast.

duty_lock: 0
Active drag brake:

  • 0: off
  • 1: on

Damped mode must be enabled before this setting can be activated. Active drag brake amount is defined by duty_drag. Use caution because high values may lead to overheating.
* Implemented for crawlers. Provides actively powered drag brake for extreme holding power. When box is checked or 1 is selected for "on", this changes the "scaling" of duty_drag to be much stronger. We use between 70-90% for our vehicles, depending on vehicle weight and gearing, after duty_lock is selected.

throt_mode: 0
0: forward  * drones & model aircraft
1: forward/reverse  * crawlers
2: forward/brake/reverse (proportional brake mode)  * racers & bashers
3: forward/brake  * slot cars
Modes 2 and 3 are proportional brake modes. They are unavailable when active drag brake is enabled.

throt_set: 0
Preset throttle (%) [0..100]. This value also serves as minimum throttle in analog mode. Arming must be disabled before a non-zero value can be set. For example:

set arm 0
set volume 0
set throt_set 10

throt_cal: 1
Automatic throttle calibration for standard servo PWM frequencies, e.g. 50Hz, 100Hz, 125Hz, 200Hz, 250Hz, 333Hz:

0: off
1: on
This mode works by aligning the internal clock with servo PWM period that is a multiple of 1000µs, i.e. for servo PWM frequency F=1000/n where n=3..20. It must be disabled should a non-standard servo PWM signal be used.
* Uncheck this box if you're having difficulty getting esc to initialize or startup. Some transmitters producing odd frequencies have issues communicating with the esc. A handful of older Spektrum radios have presented this issue, depending on rx used. Please contact us if you have issue, and we will do our best to help you.

throt_min: 1000
Minimum throttle setpoint (µs).
* represents full reverse

throt_mid: 1500
Middle throttle setpoint (µs).
* represents neutral

throt_max: 2000
Maximum throttle setpoint (µs).
* represents full forward

input_mode: 0
Input mode:

0: servo/Oneshot125/DSHOT
1: analog
2: serial
3: iBUS

Analog mode:

Available on ESCs with PA2/PA6 input pin.
Throttle is unidirectional.
Minimum throttle is 0.1V (anything below is zero throttle).
Maximum throttle is 3.2V and above.
Serial mode:

Available on ESCs with PA2 input pin.
460800 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit.
Update rate is 40Hz or higher.
Inbound frame format:
Byte0: descriptor
Low nibble: value type
0x0: none
0x1: throttle [-2000..2000]
0x2: reversed motor direction [0..1]
0x3: drag brake amount [0..100]
0x4: LED on/off bits [0..15]
High nibble: request type
0x0: none
0x8: combined telemetry
0x9: electrical revolution time (µs)
0xA: temperature (˚C)
0xB: voltage (V/100)
0xC: current (A/100)
0xD: consumption (mAh)
Byte1: value (low byte)
Byte2: value (high byte)
Byte3: CRC8 (byte0..byte2)
Outbound frame format:
Combined telemetry (0x8):
Byte0: temperature
Byte1: voltage (low byte)
Byte2: voltage (high byte)
Byte3: current (low byte)
Byte4: current (high byte)
Byte5: consumption (low byte)
Byte6: consumption (high byte)
Byte7: electrical revolution time (low byte)
Byte8: electrical revolution time (high byte)
Byte9: CRC8 (byte0..byte8)
Individual telemetry values (0x9..0xD):
Byte0: value (low byte)
Byte1: value (high byte)
Byte2: CRC8 (byte0..byte1)
SBUS/SBUS2 is uninverted on AT32F421 MCU. To enable SBUS2 telemetry, telem_mode must be set to 0 (KISS), and a non-zero physical ID must be assigned using telem_phid to determine telemetry slot range:

ID Slots
1 3..7
2 11..15
3 19..23
4 27..31
Three sensors are exposed on the bus by the firmware (ID=1 as an example):

SBS-01T - slot 3 (temperature)
SBS-01R - slot 4 (RPM)
SBS-01C - slot 5 (current), slot 6 (voltage), slot 7 (consumption)
input_chid: 0
Serial channel ID [0 - off, 1..14 - iBUS, 1..16 - SBUS/SBUS2/CRSF].

telem_mode: 0
Telemetry mode:

1: KISS auto
2: iBUS
3: S.Port
In KISS auto and CRSF mode, telemetry data is sent every 32ms.

S.Port is uninverted on AT32F421 MCU.

* Dependant on the type of telemetry your radio offers when using the single wire telemetry line. Only use on telemetry capable rx's, & it can only be plugged into the signal line of your rx. Please contact us if you're not sure.

telem_phid: 0
Telemetry physical ID [0 - off, 1..3 - iBUS, 1..28 - S.Port, 1..4 - SBUS2].

telem_poles: 14
Number of motor poles for RPM telemetry [2..100].
* This setting does not effect performance, and is only used to calculate ERPM for your telemetry data to send motor rpm.

prot_stall: 0
Stall protection (ERPM) [0 - off, 1500..3500]. If enabled, up to 8% power boost is applied to prevent the motor from slowing down below the threshold. This value also overrides the default maximum RPM in sine startup mode (2300 ERPM).
* Use this to help tune your transition from sine mode to trap mode. You can utilize the Wifi-Link to see the ERPM, and adjust to just above the rpm you see as you transition from sine to trap.
Turn this up until your vehicle does not cog or stutter during transition under a load. If this is set too high, it will cause a "kick" like you're shifting into trap mode like 2nd gear, so you'll want to bring it back down until your smooth with no cogging.

prot_temp: 0
Temperature threshold (˚C) [0 - off, 60..140]. If enabled, maximum power is reduced when the MCU becomes hotter than this temperature. The maximum power reduction is 75% (50% during sine startup) at 15˚C above the theshold.
* If your ESC is equipped with an onboard RGB led, the newest Rev.12 firmware will signal over-temp alert by blinking red/yellow once your temperature protection is breached. ESC will not shutdown, but rather reduce power until temps are brought back down. Driving in trap mode for 10-20sec usually brings temps back under control quickly and regains full power. 60-85*C is normal operating temperature range for our ESC's.

prot_sens: 0
Temperature sensor:

• 0: ESC

• 1: motor

• 2: both

This setting selects temperature source for prot_temp.
* Select ESC for normal telemetry readings of ESC temps

prot_volt: 0

Low voltage cutoff per battery cell (V/10) [0 - off, 28..38].
* 3.3-3.5v (33-35) is recommended, and is calculated off of the overall battery voltage the ESC is reading, and not each individual cell.

prot_cells: 0
Number of battery cells [0 - auto, 1..16].
* Not often used, as the ESC automatically detects overall voltage of your healthy battery. 

prot_curr: 0
Maximum current (A) [0..255].

Startup music. A sequence of characters is translated into music in the following way:

An optional number in the beginning defines tempo (BPM);
_ (underscore) is a pause;
cdefgab are low notes;
CDEFGAB are high notes;
# (pound) after a note makes it a sharp note;
n (number) after a note or pause is a duration: 1 - 1/16 (default), 2 - 1/8, 3 - 3/16, 4 - 1/4, etc.
+ (plus) enables octave shift;
- (minus) disables octave shift;
volume: 25
Sound volume (%) [0..100].

beacon: 50
Beacon volume (%) [0..100].

bec: 0
BEC voltage control (if equipped):

0: 5.5V
1: 6.5V
2: 7.4V
3: 8.4V
* This can ONLY be adjusted on ESC's that have a BEC that's adjustable thru the Wifi-Link, such as our 25amp Micro Pro, & 55amp Sensei D-Drives.

led: 0
LED on/off bits [0..15].
* If your ESC is equipped with an on-board LED such as our 45, 50, & 55amp D-Drives, choose a solid "ON" color by checking a mix of boxes for your favorite. With no boxes checked, it will allow the LED to show Neutral, Throttle, Protection when using Firmware version Rev.12

Neutral: Blue / Solid

Throttle: Green - Fast Blink Trap Mode/Slow Blink Sine Mode
Protection: Red/Yellow - Fast Blink



Here's some tunes to play with!
By using the "Music" tab in your ESCape32 Wifi-Link!
Copy & Paste your favorite to the music tab, and it should play the tune as your startup song, followed by the battery count chimes. 


